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Separate chaining

Separate chaining is a widely used method to resolve collisions in hash tables. When two or more elements are hash to the same location, these elements are represented into a singly-linked list like a chain. Since this method uses extra memory to resolve the collision, therefore, it is also known as open hashing.

How Separate Chaining Works

  1. Hash Table Structure: The hash table is an array of a fixed size. Each element of this array is a head pointer to a linked list.
  2. Hash Function: The hash function takes a key and computes an index in the array.
  3. Insertion:
    • Apply the hash function to the key to get the index.
    • Insert the key-value pair at the head of the linked list at this index.
  4. Searching:
    • Compute the index for the key using the hash function.
    • Search through the linked list at that index for the desired key.
  5. Deletion:
    • Find the index using the hash function.
    • Search the linked list for the key and remove the corresponding node.

Algorithm for Implementing Separate Chaining

Separate Chaining - Insert

Algorithm 1
function INSERT (hash table, key, hash value)
    if hash table[hash_value] = null then
        hash_table[hash_value] = new LinkedList (key)
        hash_table[hash_value). headInsert(key)   

Separate Chaining - Insert Without Duplicates

Algorithm 2
function INSERT_NO_DUPLICATES (hash_table, key, hash_value) 
    if Search (hash_table, key, hash_value) != -1 then
    if hash_table[hash_value] = null then
        hash_table[hash_value] = new LinkedList(key)

Separate Chaining - Search

Algorithm 3
function SEARCH(hash_table, key, hash_value)
    list ← hash_table[hash_value]
    for i ← 0 to list.length -1 do
        if list.get(i) = key then
            return i
    return -1

Advantages of Separate Chaining

  • Simplicity: It is straightforward to implement.
  • Less Sensitive to Hash Function: It works relatively well even with a poor hash function.
  • Performance: The performance gracefully degrades as the load factor increases (the ratio of the number of elements to the number of buckets).

Disadvantages of Separate Chaining

  • Memory Overhead: Every element requires extra memory for the pointers in the linked list.
  • Cache Performance: Poor cache performance compared to open addressing due to the use of linked lists.
  • Variable Length: The length of the chains can vary, leading to potentially poor performance if one chain becomes significantly longer than others.

Next Topic :Open addressing