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Python Programming - [ Important / Previously Asked Questions ]

Short Answer Questions

1) State any four applications where python is more popular?

2) List out the main difference between lists and tuples?

3) Whar are the uses of File Object?

4) Give a brief description of several built-in attributes related of File Object?

5) Summarize the purpose of pipe and dot symbols used for pattern matching?

6) Explain basic functionality of match() function?

7) What is the need of Tkinter module in python?

8) How to create Label widget in Python?

9) State the need of persistent storage.

10) Discuss the SQL commands/statements used for creating, using and dropping a database?

11) What are mutable and immutable types in python?

12) Define the scope and lifetime of a variable in Python.

13) What are membership operators? Give examples for usage.

14) What happens if a semicolon (;) is placed at the end of a Python statement?

15) What is the difference between compiled and interpreted languages?

16) What are the features of list data structure?

17) What is a dictionary in Python?

18) Explain with an example, how + and * operators work with strings.

Long Answer Questions

1) How to declare and call functions in Python programs? Illustrate with an example script?

2) List and explain few most commonly used built0in types in Python?

3) Summarize various operators, built-in functions and standard library modules that deals with Python's numeric type?

4) Explain the following file built-in function and methods with clear syntax, description and illustration:
     a)open()    b)file()    c)seek()    d)tell    e)read()

5) How does try-except statement work?Demonstrate with an example python code?

6) Illustrate the concept of importing module attributes in python scripts?

7) Examine how python supports regular expressions through 're' module with brief introduction and various built-in methods realted to it?

8) What is the motivation behind parrallelism and state how python achieves parallelism?

9) Explain briefly about thread and tthreading module objects in python?

10) Consider a Python GUI program that produces a window with following widgets using python code
    a)A button to retrieve the next valuein list.This buttonis displayed if there is no next valuein the list.
    b)A label to display the number of the items being displayed and the total numberof items.

11) Give an overview and demonstration of building web applications using python's cgi module?

12) What is a cursor object?Explain various methods and attributes of cursor object?

13) What do you mean by a constructor? List and describe various constructors used for converting to different data types?

14) Describe in detail about Python SQLAlchemy ORM with a case study of Employee role databse?

15) Write a Python program that prints the intersection of two lists. (Without using sets)?

16) What are the different loop control statements available in Python? Explain with suitable examples?

17) Write a Python program that convert seconds to day, hour and minutes.

18) What are different applications of Python? Give examples.

19) Write a Python program to convert height in feet and inches to cm.
    [1 feet = 12 inch and 1 inch= 2.54 cm]
    (Sample input: 2 feet 7 inch Sample output: 78.74 cm)

20) List and explain different arithmetic operators supported by Python.

21) Write a Python program to print all prime numbers less than 256.

22) Write a Python program that interchanges the first and last characters of a given string.

23) Give a comparison between lists, tuples, dictionaries and sets.

24) What is Multithreading in Python and How to achieve it? When to use Multithreading in Python?

25) What is synchronization? Discuss about Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python?

26) Discuss the following Multithreaded Programming Modules:
    A) Thread Module
    B) Threading Module

27) Define thread and multithreading in Python? Discuss about starting a new thread in python.

28) Processes versus Threads. What are the differences between processes and threads?

29) Discuss about GUI Programming in Python? Explain how to create GUI application using Tkinter?

30) Label and Entry Widgets and Python I/O. Create a GUI application that provides an Entry field where the user can provide the name and an Entry field where the user can provide the password?

31) Develop a basic web browser using Tkinter which should have a Text widget where the user can enter a URL and a Canvas to display the contents of the page.

32) Discuss various geometry managers (layout managers) in python using Tkinter with suitable examples?

33) Discuss about Entry widget? Explain any five properties of Entry Widget with suitable example?

34) What is the use of list box widget? Give an example to add elements to listbox using Tkinter?

35) Discuss about following Widgets in Tkinter
    A) Button
    B) Check button
    C) Radio button
    D) Scale
    E) Top Level

36) Discuss the following geometry managers
    A) Pack() method
    B) Grid() method
    C) Place() method

37) Explain about Radiobutton widget in tkinter. How to create two radiobutton sets (one for gender and another for Indian or not) on the same canvas.

38) Briefly discuss about other GUI modules in python?

39) Discuss about database programming in python? And explain the procedure of Database Programming using any DB-API with example?

40) Write a source code in python to read single and multiple results of query execution using DB-API?

41) Write a source code in python to show database connectivity and insert the following information in table named ‘Item’.
    Item-No      Item-Name      Price      Quantity
     101      Geometry Box     50      100
     102      Soap      100      50
     103      Perfume      150      25
     104      Pen      50      200

42) Write a python program to create Product Table(pro_id,pro_name,quantity) using any DB-API(MySQLdb or mysql.connector).

43) Write queries based upon Item table given
    Item-No      Item-Name      Price      Quantity
     101      Geometry Box     50      100
     102      Soap      100      50
     103      Perfume      150      25
     104      Pen      50      200      105      Pencil      20      100
    i. Display item name and price value.
    ii. Display the item information whose name starts with letter ‘p’.
    iii. Display item name, whose price is in between 50 to 100.
    iv. Display soap information.
    v. Remove pen information.

44) What are the different functions to retrieve rows from a table? Explain with a suitable example.

45) Briefly discuss about Object Relational Mapping (ORM) in python?

46) Explain how to implement ORM in python using SQLALchemy with suitable Example?

47) Discuss about Declarative Mapping with the help of suitable example?

48) Write a python program to create Product Table (pro_id,pro_name,quantity) using ORM(SQLALchemy).

49) Discuss about inserting data into database table using SQLALchemy ORM with suitable example?

50) Write a python program to insert data into Product Table (pro_id,pro_name,quantity) using ORM(SQLALchemy).

51) Write about selecting data from database table using SQLALchemy ORM with suitable example?

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