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Web Technologies-Unit-2 (XML) [ Important / Previously Asked Questions ]

Short Answer Questions

1) Write in brief about XHTML.

2) What is XML? List characteristic features of XML.

3) What is a ‘XML Parser’?

4) Differentiate XHTML and XML.

5) Define XML. What are the advantages of XML?

6) State rules to define tags in XML.

7) What is DTD? Distinguish between internal DTD and external DTD.

8) What is DOM?

9) Derive naming rules in XML.

10) Explain about the purpose of DTD.

11) How can you declare attributes in XML? Give an example.

12) Define XML Schema?

13) What are the elements and attribute in XML?

14) Discuss the common tags of XHTML.

Long Answer Questions

1) What is XML Schema? State its purpose and list its advantages over DTD

2) Describe XML schema for designing a Web page as an illustration.

3) Explain in detail how XML data is parsed with an example.

4) Define Document type definition (DTD) in XML. What is difference between internal and External DTD.

5) How XML transformations will form and write the Schemas of XML? Explain.

6) What is an XML DOM? How DOM parses the XML file.

7) Compare and contrast DOM parser with SAX Parser.

8) List any two XML tags with their attributes and values.

9) Collect the student’s details such as, register number, name, subject and marks using forms and generate a DTD for this XML document. Display the collected information in the descending order of marks. Write XML source code for the above.

10) Briefly explain the SAX Parsers in java

11) Explain XML schema languages.

12) Write a short note on DOM.

13) Explain document structure description with example code in XML.

14) What are the XML namespaces and how are they declared?

15) Explain about various types of XML parsers.

16) How are XHTML elements and attributes represented in the java script binding to DOM? Explain.

17) When Constructing XML DTD, how do you create an external entity reference in an attribute value?

18) What are the common tags of XHTML?Discuss.

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