
Important & Topic / Unit wise Questions

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Web Technologies-Unit-3 (Servlets) [ Important / Previously Asked Questions ]

Short Answer Questions

1) State the differences between GET and POST methods.

2) Develop a servlet that handles an HTTP GET request.

3) Name two CGI environmental variables.

4) Mention some uses of servlet.

5) How is a Servlet different from an Applet?

6) Write about servlet API.

7) What are the advantages of servlets over CGI?

8) Can we use java as the CGI language? If yes, How?

9) What does Servlet config interface do?

10) When a Servlet accepts a call from a client, it receives two objects. What are they?

11) How cookies are created?

12) Explain about comman gateway interface(CGI)?

Long Answer Questions

1) What are the advantages of Servlets over CGI?

2) What is a ‘servlet’? Explain the life cycle of a servlet with an example servlet program.

3) Demonstrate the use of cookies in servlets with an example.

4) Write a servlet program to retrieve data from the database.

5) With the help of neat diagram, explain the servlet architecture.

6) List and explain the web servers that support CGI programming.

7) What is JDBC? What are various drivers of JDBC?

8) Explain about the database connectivity using JDBC?

9) Develop a servlet that handles an HTTP POST request?

10) Discuss about Session tracking in Servlets with a suitable example.

11) What are the two objects that a servlet receives when it accepts a call from client?

12) How does server side programming differ from client side programming?

13) Differentiate between the single threaded and multi threaded servlet method.

14) Mention two web servers that support CGI programming.

15) Write note on Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

16) What potential advantages do servelets have over CGI programs? Explain.

17) Describe the life cycle of a java servlet and write a simple servlet that reads three parameters from the form data.

18) Explain the differences between Generic Servlet and HttpServlet.

19) What is session management? Explain about session management in servlets?

20) Explain with suitable examples, the difference between get request and post request type in servlets?

21) Explain how to contact to a database using JDBC? Illustrate.

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