
Important & Topic / Unit wise Questions

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Web Technologies-Unit-4 (JSP) [ Important / Previously Asked Questions ]

Short Answer Questions

1) What are JSP Implicit Objects?

2) How JSP resolves the problems with Servlets?

3) How to deal with syntax errors in JSP page?

4) Provide an example for JSP expression

5) How are cookies used for session tracking in JSP?

6) Define JSP. Mention its use.

7) Is it possible for one JSP to extend another java class? If yes how?

8) What is Session tracking? Explain

9) What is the purpose of using Cookies? How they are created?

Long Answer Questions

1) What are JSP Code snippets? Develop a JSP program to display current date and time?

2) Write in very brief about JSP processing?

3) How to access a database from a JSP? Explain in detail.

4) Write a JSP to demonstrate the usage of page and include directives

5) Give a brief note on Anatomy of a JSP Page.

6) Discuss about various categories of JSP tags. Explain each of them with syntax and suitable examples

7) Write a in brief about JSP Declarations.

8) Explain in detail of how to use Java Beans in JSP pages with suitable example.

9) What is the key difference between Http servlet Response. send Redriect() and <jsp:forward> ? Explain.

10) How to use Cookies and session for session tracking? Explain with an example program.

11) Discuss about the features of JSP pages

12) Write in brief about JSP tag extensions and libraries

13) How does a Servlet communicates with a JSP page? Explain

14) What is Bean? Discuss how to create beans in JSP.

15) Discuss about various implict objects in JSP?

16) Write a JSP program to validate username and password?

17) What are the features of Java Server Page technology? Explain.

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