
Important & Topic / Unit wise Questions

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Web Technologies-Unit-5 (JavaScript) [ Important / Previously Asked Questions ]

Short Answer Questions

1) What is Document Object Model?

2) What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?

3) Give a note on this keyword in JavaScript.

4) What is the difference between undefined and not defined in JavaScript?

5) What is an ‘event’? How are events handled in JavaScript?

6) How to insert JavaScript Code in PHP?

7) What is the difference between GET and POST method in Java Script?

8) How does one access cookie in a java script?

9) What is DATE object in JavaScript?

Long Answer Questions

1) How is Client side Java Script different from Server side Java Script?

2) Write a simple AJAX application.

3) What is JavaScript? What are the features of JavaScript?

4) Write a JavaScript to display whether given number is a prime or not.

5) Discuss the event handlers in JavaScript.

6) Describe about form validation concept in JavaScript. Explain with an example program

7) What is the need of scripting languages in Web Technologies?

8) Write a program in JavaScript to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa or Height from centimeters to inches and vice-versa.

9) Write about the following with reference to Java Script with an example: a) Functions b) Form Validation

10) With an example program, explain form validation concept in JavaScript.

11) Define client side programming. Explain briefly about AJAX.

12) Explain various operators and data types available in java script.

13) Explain Document Object Model with suitable examples and code

14) Explain about object, methods and events in Java Scripts.

15) Explain various Control Structures used in java script with suitable examples?

16) Discuss the events in javascript with suitable examples?

17) Explain how to write function in javascript?

18) Write a JavaScript for sorting elements of an array using function?

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