
Notice: Undefined index: alg in /home/u681245571/domains/ on line 82

Notice: Undefined index: url2 in /home/u681245571/domains/ on line 84

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Java Programming [ Lab Programs ]


Source Code:

// create a class

class Items
    int count = 1000;
    synchronized void consume(int cnt)
        System.out.println("Items :"+this.count);
        System.out.println("Consumer : Going to consume "+cnt);
        if (this.count < cnt)
            System.out.println("Low : waiting for produce..");
            catch (InterruptedException e)
            { }
        this.count = this.count - cnt;
        System.out.println("consume competed");
        System.out.println("Current :"+this.count);


    synchronized void produce(int cnt)
        System.out.println("Producer : Going to produce "+cnt);
        this.count = this.count + cnt;
        System.out.println("Current :"+this.count);
        System.out.println("produce Completed");
// creating a Thread1
class Consumer extends Thread
    Items pt;
    Consumer(Items pt)
    { = pt;
    public void run()
// creating a Thread2
class Producer extends Thread
    Items pt;
    Producer(Items pt)
    { = pt;
    public void run()

// main class
class ProducerConsumer
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        Items obj = new Items();
        Consumer t1 = new Consumer(obj);
        Producer t2 = new Producer(obj);



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