
HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language".

HTML developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, which was officially published in 1995 as HTML 2.0, The latest version of HTML is HTML5.

HTML is a simple markup language used to create or develop static web pages. A web page is a document that provides specific information to the user via a web browser (eg:Chrome, IE, etc.,). These web pages (documents) are written in HTML and are translated/executed by your web browser.

Web pages can either be static or dynamic. Static pages display the same content every time we visit. These pages are written in HTML. In Dynamic Every time a page is accessed, its content is altered. Typically, these pages are created in scripting languages like PHP, ASP, JSP, etc,.

Some other information about HTML

  • HTML is used to create or develop static web documents or web pages.
  • HTML documents are plain text files, these are created by using text editor like notepad.
  • HTML is HyperText language because it supports font styled text, pictures, audio, video, graphics and animations.
  • HTML is Markup language, which provides a set of tags suitable for making up webpages.
  • HTML is not a case-sensitive and it does not generate errors.
  • HTML is a tag-based system. A tag is a special instruction for browser. A tag is made up of left operator(<), right operator(>) and a tag name between these two operators.

    < tagname [argument=value ...] >

    <html>, <head>, <body>

Structure of HTML Document

All HTML documents does follow some basic structure. It has two blocks

  • The Head block contains control information and title of document.
  • The Body block contains content that displayed on screen as well as tags which control how that content is formatted by browser.

The Basic HTML document is:

format :
<title>A HTML Document</title>
Welcome to HTML
</body >

Remember: In HTML document the every tag can have corresponding ending tag preceded by backslash symbol.

<html>......</html>, <head> ....... </head>

First HTML Document

In this, we are going to discuss about how to create and execute a simple html document. No need install any softwares to create and execute a html document.

To Create HTML Document :

  • Open any text editor (like Notepad, EditPlus, Notepad++, etc.,)
  • Write html code
  • Save it with ".html" file extension (eg: sample.html) at any directory/location

To Execute HTML Document :

  • Go to the directory/location where the .html file is saved
  • Open a file with any browser(eg: Chrome,IE, etc.,)
  • we can view the output of that html file on browser.

Next Topic :Basic Tags in HTML