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Installation of Pyhton

To start programming with python, we have to install python software. There are two major Python versions, those are Python 2 and Python 3. Python 2 and 3 are quite different. In this tutorial we are going to use Python 3, because it more semantically correct and supports newer features.

In this tutorial we are going to learn about installation of Python3 on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu)

Python3 installation procedure in Windows :

To install Python3 in windows, we have to download Python3 software pack from official website of Python Software Foundation.

  1. Go to

    The following page will displayed on your web browser.


  2. Go to Downloads

    The following page will displayed on your web browser.


  3. Download the latest version of python(now latest version:python 3.8.3) for windows

    The following page will displayed on your web browser.


  4. After the successful completion of download,we need to run python3.8.3.exe file

    It asks the permission to run this file as shown in below.


  5. Click on Run button

    After click on Run button, the Python setup window will be displayed as shown in below.


  6. Click on Install Now

    First we need to check Add Python 3.8 to PATH, And then click on Install Now, the Python setup progress window will be displayed as shown in below.


  7. Setup was Successful

    The Python setup will take 2 to 3 minutes of time.After successful installation the following window will be displayed


  8. Click on Close button

    That's it, Python Setup was Successful

Python3 installation procedure in Linux (Ubuntu) :

All most all Linux (Ubuntu) operating systems came up with python 2. 7. To check the python version in your Linux (Ubuntu) system, open terminal by pressing Ctrl + ALT + T and then type following command press enter.

$ python --version (or)  $ python -V

Then we get version of python i.e. Python 2.7.12

In this tutorial we are going to install Python 3 on Linux (Ubuntu) Operating System.

To install Python 3

  1. To update software packages on your system, execute the following command in terminal

    $ sudo apt-get update

  2. After successful updating of software packages, To install python3, execute the following command in terminal

    $ sudo apt-get install python3

  3. To check if python is install properlyor not, we will check the version of python

    $ python3 --version (or)  $ python3 -V

    Then we get version of python3 i.e. Python 3.7.x i.e, Python3 setup successful in Linux (Ubuntu) operating system.

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