Dynamic Index Structure - B+ Tree

what is A Dynamic Index Structure

A dynamic index structure is an index that automatically adjusts its structure as the underlying data grows, shrinks, or otherwise changes. Unlike static index structures, which are fixed in size and organization, dynamic index structures reorganize themselves in response to changes in the data they index. This makes them more flexible and scalable, capable of handling varying workloads and data distributions efficiently.

Dynamic index structures are crucial for databases that are expected to evolve over time, especially when it comes to insertion, deletion, and updating of records. They maintain balanced tree structures, self-adjust, and optimize, ensuring that the database operations remain efficient even as the data grows or changes.

Examples of Dynamic Index Structures:

B-Trees and B+-Trees: These are perhaps the most well-known examples of dynamic index structures. B-Trees and B+-Trees automatically split or merge nodes to maintain a balanced tree, ensuring that search, insert, and delete operations take logarithmic time. They are widely used in various types of databases and filesystems.

B+ Trees

A B+ Tree is a type of self-balancing tree structure commonly used in databases and file systems to maintain sorted data in a way that allows for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations. B+ Trees are an extension of B-Trees but differ mainly in the way they handle leaf nodes, which contain all the key values and point to the actual records.

A B+ Tree of order `n` has the following properties:

  1. Every node has a maximum of `n` children.
  2. Every node (except the root) has a minimum of `n/2` children.
  3. The tree is perfectly balanced, meaning that all leaf nodes are at the same level.
  4. All keys are stored in the leaf nodes, and the internal nodes act as 'guides' to locate the leaf nodes faster.

Operations on B+ Trees:

  1. Search: Starts at the root and traverses down the tree, guided by the key values in each node, until it reaches the appropriate leaf node.
  2. Insert: Inserts a new key-value pair and then reorganizes the tree as needed to maintain its properties.
  3. Delete: Removes a key-value pair and then reorganizes the tree, again to maintain its properties.

Example of B+ Tree Operations

Let's say we have a B+ Tree of order 4, and we want to insert the keys `[10, 20, 5, 6, 12, 30, 7, 17]` into an initially empty tree.

||   ||    ||    ||


1. Insert 10:
- The tree is empty, so 10 becomes the root.


2. Insert 20:
- There's room in the leaf node for 20.

    [10, 20]  

3. Insert 5:
- Still room in the leaf node for 5.

    [5, 10, 20]  

4. Insert 6:
- The leaf node is full; split it and promote the smallest key in the right node to be the new root.

        /    \
      [5, 6]  [10, 20]

5. Insert 12:
- Insert into the appropriate leaf node.

         [10, , ]
        /    \
      [5, 6]  [10, 12, 20]  

6. Insert 30:
- Need to split the right leaf node, promote 20.

         [10 , 20    , ]
        /    |        \
      [5, 6] [10, 12] [20, 30]

7. Insert 7:
- Insert into the appropriate leaf node.

         [10    , 20   ,  ]
        /       |       \
      [5, 6, 7] [10, 12] [20, 30]

8. Insert 17:
- Insert into the appropriate leaf node and split.

            [10 , 20    ,  ]
          /     |        \
      [5, 6, 7] [10, 12] [17, 20, 30]

- Here, the middle internal node gets split, and 17 is promoted.

           [10  , 17     , 20  ]
          /     |        |     \
      [5, 6, 7] [10, 12] [17]  [20, 30]

Search (for 12):
- Start at the root, go down the second child because 12 > 10 and 12 < 17, and find 12 in the corresponding leaf node.

Deletion (of 10):

1. Remove 10 from the leaf node.

           [10  , 17 , 20  ]
          /     |    |     \
      [5, 6, 7] [12] [17]  [20, 30]

2. Since the key 10 is also present in the internal node, we replace it with its in-order predecessor (or successor based on design), which is 7.

           [7 , 17    , 20  ]
          /   |       |     \
      [5, 6]  [7, 12] [17]  [20, 30]

And that's how B+ Trees work for search, insert, and delete operations. B+ Trees are dynamic, adapting efficiently as keys are added or removed, which makes them quite useful for databases where high-speed data retrieval is crucial.