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Splay Tree

The splay tree was developed by Daniel Dominic Sleator and Robert Endre Tarjan in 1985. A Splay Tree is a self-adjusting binary search tree data structure that automatically reorganizes itself to optimize access times for frequently accessed elements by moving them closer to the root. It accomplishes this by performing a splay operation after every search, insert, or delete operation, bringing the accessed node to the root of the tree.

Key Features of Splay Trees

  • Self-Adjusting: After any operation, the accessed node is splayed to the root of the tree, making it the new root. This helps improve the access time for frequently accessed elements.
  • No Height Balance Guarantee: Unlike AVL trees and Red-Black trees, Splay Trees do not guarantee a balanced height. However, they exhibit a form of local balance, which means nodes that are frequently accessed tend to move closer to the root.

Splay Tree Rotations:

Splay Trees use rotations to perform the splay operation and bring the accessed node to the root.

Zig Rotation(Right)

  • This rotation moves a child node up and its parent node down, making the child the new parent.
  • It is used when the target node is the right child of its parent.

Zag Rotation(Left)

  • Similar to the zig rotation, the zag rotation moves a child node up and its parent node down, but the child becomes the left child of the new parent.
  • It is used when the target node is the left child of its parent

Zig – Zig Rotation

  • In a Zig-Zig rotation, two consecutive rotations are performed to move a node up two levels closer to the root.
  • The first rotation moves the target node's grandchild up and its child down.
  • The second rotation moves the target node up and its previous grandchild down.
  • It is used when the target node is the right child of the right child of its parent.

Zag – Zag Rotation

  • In a Zag-Zag rotation, two consecutive rotations are performed to move a node up two levels closer to the root.
  • This rotation is similar to the zig-zig rotation but involves two consecutive zag rotations.
  • It is used when the target node is the left child of the left child of its parent.

Zig – Zag Rotation

  • In a Zig-Zag rotation, two consecutive rotations are performed to move a node up one level closer to the root.
  • This rotation combines a zig rotation followed by a zag rotation.
  • It is used when the target node is the right child of the left child of its parent.

Zag – Zig Rotation

  • In a Zag-Zig rotation, two consecutive rotations are performed to move a node up one level closer to the root.
  • This rotation performs a zag rotation followed by a zig rotation.
  • It is used when the target node is the left child of the right child of its parent.

Insertion in a Splay Tree:

procedure splayInsert(root, key):
    if root is null:
        // Create a new node with the given key and make it the root
        root = createNode(key)
        // Perform a normal BST insertion
        root = bstInsert(root, key)
    // Splay the newly inserted node to the root
    root = splay(root, key)

function bstInsert(node, key):
    // Standard BST insertion procedure
    if node is null:
        return createNode(key)
    if key < node.key:
        node.left = bstInsert(node.left, key)
    else if key > node.key:
        node.right = bstInsert(node.right, key)
    return node

function splay(root, key):
    if root is null or root.key == key:
        return root
    // Key is in the left subtree
    if key < root.key:
        // Key is not in the tree, return the unchanged root
        if root.left is null:
            return root
        // Zig-Zig step: Left-left case
        if key < root.left.key:
            root.left.left = splay(root.left.left, key)
            root = rightRotate(root)
        // Zig-Zag step: Left-right case
        else if key > root.left.key:
            root.left.right = splay(root.left.right, key)
            if root.left.right is not null:
                root.left = leftRotate(root.left)
        // Perform a final rotation to bring the key to the root
        if root.left is not null:
            root = rightRotate(root)
        return root
    // Key is in the right subtree
        // Key is not in the tree, return the unchanged root
        if root.right is null:
            return root
        // Zig-Zig step: Right-right case
        if key > root.right.key:
            root.right.right = splay(root.right.right, key)
            root = leftRotate(root)
        // Zig-Zag step: Right-left case
        else if key < root.right.key:
            root.right.left = splay(root.right.left, key)
            if root.right.left is not null:
                root.right = rightRotate(root.right)
        // Perform a final rotation to bring the key to the root
        if root.right is not null:
            root = leftRotate(root)
        return root

function rightRotate(node):
    // Right rotation operation
    newRoot = node.left
    node.left = newRoot.right
    newRoot.right = node
    return newRoot

function leftRotate(node):
    // Left rotation operation
    newRoot = node.right
    node.right = newRoot.left
    newRoot.left = node
    return newRoot

Deletion in a Splay Tree:

procedure splayDelete(root, key):
    if root is null:
        // Key not found, return the unchanged root
        return root
    // Splay the node containing the key to the root
    root = splay(root, key)
    // After splaying, if the key is not at the root, it's not in the tree
    if key != root.key:
        return root
    // Perform the actual deletion
    if root.left is null:
        return root.right
        // Find the maximum node in the left subtree
        maxNode = findMax(root.left)
        // Splay the maximum node to the root of the left subtree
        root.left = splay(root.left, maxNode.key)
        // Attach the right subtree as the right child of the maximum node
        maxNode.right = root.right
        return maxNode

function findMax(node):
    // Find the maximum node in a subtree
    while node.right is not null:
        node = node.right
    return node

Searching in a Splay Tree

function splaySearch(root, key):
    if root is null:
        // Key not found, return null or a sentinel value
        return null
    // Start searching from the root
    while root is not null:
        if key == root.key:
            // Key found, splay the node to the root
            return splay(root, key)
        else if key < root.key:
            // Key is in the left subtree
            if root.left is null:
                // Key not found, splay the last accessed node (root)
                return splay(root, key)
            // Continue searching in the left subtree
            root = root.left
            // Key is in the right subtree
            if root.right is null:
                // Key not found, splay the last accessed node (root)
                return splay(root, key)
            // Continue searching in the right subtree
            root = root.right
    // Key not found, return null or a sentinel value
    return null


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